"Wild Land - Wild Man", ElemenTerraPeace VisionQuest for Men

Campus CreaVista SymBIOasis, Alpe Meccia, Monte Rosa Area
17.06.2025 - 30.06.2025


In these times of war-cries, this VisionQuest is about your true devotion to life. The medicines needed are Presence, Silence and a recovery of Trust! Just let´s get in touch with the country. Connect with MadreTerra instead of getting stuck in the terror of conflict and war… getting your bare feet on the living ground instead of death under your boots!

There are moments in every man’s life when he clearly feels the urgent need to win some time to himself. Absolutely! Now and unconditionally!
This might mean… to GO SOLO into the WILD, taste the unknown, sink in into the very real, NATURAL REALITY. Nature is good!
TAKE GOOD CARE for yourself! Realise your potential to fully become the very man, you set out to be!
As has happened since primeval times on all continents! Leave the routines behind, enter something essentially new…

Fundamental contact
Four days and nights alone in wilderness, fasting, learning, recovering resilience!
Nature and man – one to one! Skin to skin!
Out there, immersed and in direct contact with the dance of the elements, you get to know your ‘true nature’. Everything you encounter there, everything you can feel, hear, touch and see, is a true, clear mirror to you and what the eyes of Nature see in you.
Weather and landscape, plants and animals, your fears and joys, everything dances together; in you and around you and, finally, you can see: I am THAT! Everything wild is true… Alone I am everything! I am in everything!

Traditional Procedure
VisionQuest is again a global movement, widespread on the planet since the earliest human days. VisionQuest is a gift that ‘Mother Nature’ granted us unconditionally: real courage is the ticket. It’s like coming home. Fully perceive yourself as a natural being, the Green Man, Mature and Fully Human
VisionQuest Ritual
What a VisionQuest enables the courageous man to do is also laid down in myths, stories and fables in our culture: he is on the way to understand himself, he can make peace with himself. This is a fundamental give-back to the natural world, to all mankind, and to that man himself!
ElementTerraPeace: Landscape is Soul
This Men´s Quest takes place in the region of Piedmont, still a primeval landscape on the southern edge of the Alps; where the highest mountains of Europe, with their extensive glaciers, crystal-clear, water-rich rivers and the large lakes with their palm trees make the weather.


Eberhard Shanti Petschel


Our Services in this international quest in (main Language) English AND German –
Preparation on site, 3-5 days
Time to get in the mood: at the altitude of 1800 m, facing the majestic Monte Rosa north-face, on the alpine Campus CreaVista SymBIOasis, you will sleep in your own tent; you´ll be meeting the group of peers for circle sharings in our big Yurt- and can be diving deeper into your own motivations on the CreaVista Medicine Wheel.
Catering in our cooperation on a simple vegetarian basis. 1 hour help per day: gathering and chopping wood, carrying water, preparing a fire for the kitchen.
Solo time in nature: 4 days of fasting and being alone in the wild forest, in connection with the group, discreetly and safely accompanied by the team of professional guides. we are following a traditional pattern given and inspired by Semu Huaute Chumash, California.
We will spend our time in the magnificent mountain landscape facing the Monte Rosa, a true Mountain Goddess that provides the best conditions for an undisturbed, powerful and peaceful Ritual.

For your organisation:
You are welcome to give us a call for questions and connecting to the quest guides. See contact!
After booking in you receive our Preparation folder (what to bring, how to get ready, what to understand), your
directions and help with connections to seminar-site, forming travel- or carpools
Our team´s responsibility: Seminar management and guidance from day one to your departure. Organization of lodging, full board and necessary trips etc. (Cable-car)
We organize and lead this men’s quest in cooperation with Uwe Gesierich, Vancouver (Canada), which is why English is the first seminar language…we´ll have assistants from Portugal and Swizzerland


Costs 990.- € to 2500.- €, according to self-assessment (by your decision, after the seminar has been completed.)


Extra Costs,
…your equipment, your travel to the location Macugnaga, Valle Anzasca (Campus Creavista SymBIOasis,and back home)

…when you are with us:
full Board, transfers and lodging:
€ 380.- to € 580.- , depending on room, or tent (and a donation for the place, theteam or the association…following your self-assessment after the seminar)


Campus CreaVista SymBIOasis
Via Zerbini 41a, 10081 Castelnuovo Nigra, Piemont , Telefon: 0049 1735278651 ,


Campus CreaVista SymBIOasis

Shanti E. Petschel & Helen Ananda Schulz

Via Zerbini 41a
10081 Castelnuovo Nigra, Piemont
Tel: 0049 1735278651



Eberhard Shanti Petschel

„Shanti“ Eberhard Petschel,
Geb. 1949, Vater dreier erwachsener Söhne.
25 Jahre Praxis der Heilpädagogik als Heilerziehungspfleger.
Praktische Umsetzung klinischer Psychologie und der kreativen Gestaltung von Freizeit- und Erlebnispädagogik.
Ausbildung in „Prenatal Journey“ (Therapie perinataler Schock- und Traumazustände) bei Dr. David Sawyer und Dr. Annie Brook, Boulder, Colorado.
Westafrikanische Rhythmik bei Uhuru, Famoudou Konate
1994 KinoMana und Huna

Seit 1993 Leitung von VisionsSuche-Gruppen für Jugendliche und Erwachsene in alpiner Wildnis. Unterweisung von Semu Huaute, dem Medizinmann der Chumash Indianer; Ausbildung bei der SCHOOL OF LOST BORDERS, Californien, (Stephen Foster und Meredith Little).
Gründer u. Leiter „Campus CreaVista International“.
Derzeit lebt er in den Italienischen Alpen


Visionssuchen allgemein

Nur Männer

6 - 10

Über den Anbieter

Campus CreaVista SymBIOasis