SymBIOase Alpe Meccia, Macugnaga am Monte Rosa
31.07.2025 - 14.08.2025
INTERNATIONAL Mid- Summer VisionQuest
for Women and Men
Is it time to remember and serve your purpose on earth with clarity and love?
VisionQuest is an ancient, powerful initiation ritual for any mayor life-transitions, inducing personal growth and coming maturity, a sense of responsibility for the stewardship of the living companionship of the earth…
You immerse yourself in a deep connection with the natural community, with the living entity of MOTHER NATURE and with your MATURE SELF-SO. Wild nature is a true mirror of your soul. Experiencing yourself in it´s uncorruptible clarity can give you new insight about who you really are on your path in life. You might gain higher ground as a partner, as a parent, as a son or a daughter, as acitizen and a colleague…positivity and love for the ´other`could be with you in the times coming up on the horizon..
In these days of global turmoil and challenges,may be, are you also facing personal changes, are you in a greater, fundamental transition, do you want to invite and manifest new qualities into your life?
Or do you want to reconcile with your past for making room for whatever wants to emerge anew? In honestly dealing with the essentials of your´indigenious, unique and absolutely individual qualities, your task on earth can become clearer and clearer in your presence! You may experience how joyful it is to walk this path in connectedness, self- determination, communicative creativity and radiating serenity! You can manifest this for yourself and for the world. That is the profound meaning of VisionQuest
We know, that all of us want to go our own way AND belong to a community that is greater than ourselves and be loved at the same time. These basic needs are nourished on this shared journey in an authentic and joyful way with ease.
Sharing of Beauty and Truth
The deep personal & shared experience encourages us all to carry this quality of connectedness back into our families, our work, our love relationships, into every-day-politics, into our communities and into the world where it may be desperately needed. During the Quest´s Solo Time you will spend four days and nights fasting, spending quality time, alone in your chosen ´nest´ in the magical and wild alpine landscape.
And the wild and innocent nature will inform you about the way the elements of life are dancing with each other.
to be fit for SOLO:
With our support you will prepare yourself intensively and lovingly for four days to this inner and outer journey, embedded in a circle of people who are doing the same for themselves. This is going to facilitate an experience that may resonate deeply with your core being. In the aftermath together we enter the phase of storytelling, honoring and celebrating this great and touching experience of every quester – one by one… we gently and mindfully co-create a visionary, formative and sustainable connection to your future life.
May the web of life be (y)our inspiration…
The ceremony of VisionQuest supports us on our path towards a rising joy of existence, a soaring clarity and a thriving love for life! That is why we are always happy to share our time and practical experience in this VisionSearch, for three decades, now.
Is your heart beating faster now? Do you have questions, fears or would you like to experience our enthusiasm even more personally? Then write to us or give us a call. We are looking forward to meeting you – no matter where you are standing in your life. Come, see with your own eyes, feel with your very soul, touch the earth with your living body…
Helen Schulz , Eberhard Shanti Petschel
We ´CreaVista Elders` -with the help of our professional team – guide you through the whole Quest – Ceremony, inform you about all the criteria for your wellbeing in the time of solitude,the no-goes and dangers of the terrain and we will ´hold the life-line `during your Solo-days. Safety-Rules,
Preparation folder with all needed information, with your booking confirmation (e-mail)
help for car-pooling, preparing the place for the quest.
Seminar tuition: from 980,-€ to 2600.- €, trusting your own self-assessment
extra: 400.- € for food and accomodation, use of place-infra-structure, cable-car, Team- support
Campus CreaVista SymBIOasis
Via Zerbini 41a, 10081 Castelnuovo Nigra, Piemont
, Telefon: 0049 1735278651
fremdsprachige Visionssuchen
6 - 12